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Trends in the Kitchen

Crown Point Cabinetry, Kitchen Trends

从永恒的材料回归到创新的家电解决方案, the future of kitchen design is now! 这里有一些最新的厨房趋势,永远不会过时.

Stained Wood Cabinetry - Crown Point Cabinetry

说到橱柜,染色木材正在凯旋归来. 裂谷切割橡木的永恒魅力尤其受欢迎的是其丰富,有机的特点. 皇冠点橱柜提供了一个精致的裂口切割白橡木在他们的皇冠点线, and rift cut red oak is available in their Crown Select line.

Crown Point Cabinetry, Kitchen TrendsAmong their other trending offerings, the Fineline door style, exclusively available in the Crown Point line, embodies a sleek and contemporary aesthetic, adding a touch of sophistication to any space.

Crown Point Cabinetry, Kitchen Trends

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Refrigerated Pantries - RootCellar Concepts

rootcellar——一个设备齐全的步入式冷藏储藏室和冷冻室——拥有一系列实用的好处, including flexible storage solutions, a wholly visible food supply, video-monitored stock levels, the capacity to handle large platters & bulk items all in one place and more. While the functionality of a RootCellar is captivating, its ability to blend into any kitchen style is a huge plus. 

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室,厨房设计(Photography: Sean Litchfield)

是什么让它很容易整合到设计的RootCellar是它的专利, 免提口袋门,以配合现有的橱柜或补充其他厨房设计元素, making it a designer’s dream. In this warm and rustic Vermont kitchen, RootCellar门的外部采用了同样温暖的橱柜面板和装饰,这些装饰是由整个住宅中随处可见的粗切木材制成的. Without large, 不锈钢制冷装置阻断水流, 有一种宁静的感觉,反映了家庭周围的自然.

rootcellar concepts, Stowe VT, refrigerated pantry(Photography: Sean Litchfield)

虽然没有两个RootCellar的门是相同的,但室内设计有更多的可能性. From ceilings and flooring, to shelving and hardware, RootCellar内部的每个方面都是可定制的. 大型黑色石灰石瓷砖与深色灌浆相搭配,创造出单色的外观, complementing the home’s abundance of natural stone. 时尚的外观贯穿整个天花板和冷冻空间, and features easy-to-clean floating glass shelving.

rootcellar概念,Stowe VT,冷藏储藏室,厨房设计(Photography: Sean Litchfield)


Appliance Trends - KAM Appliances

KAM Appliances are appliance experts, 他们向我们透露了他们目前看到的顶级厨房电器趋势的内幕消息. Here’s their top 5!

KAM Appliances, Kitchen trends

(Photography: Jared Kuzia)

1. Smart Appliances

厨房电器最重要的趋势之一是智能技术的整合. 智能家电允许房主远程控制和监控他们的厨房设备, making cooking and managing tasks more efficient. 从内置摄像头的冰箱到可以通过智能手机应用程序控制的烤箱, 智能家电使我们的生活更轻松、更方便.

2. Energy Efficiency

随着建筑规范的变化和对可持续性的日益关注, energy-efficient appliances are gaining popularity. 获得“能源之星”认证的电器不仅有助于减少能源消耗,还能节省水电费. 从节能冰箱和洗碗机到感应炉灶和对流烤箱, 这些设备的设计是在不影响性能的情况下最大限度地减少对环境的影响.

3. Minimalist and Sleek Designs

Kitchen appliances are no longer just functional; they are now considered design elements that enhance the overall aesthetics of the kitchen. 线条简洁、隐藏控制的时尚简约设计正在兴起. Stainless steel appliances continue to be a popular choice, but custom colors, 哑光黑色和定制面板选项也获得牵引力, 让房主创造一个反映他们个人风格的有凝聚力的厨房空间.

4. Multi-functionality

In today's fast-paced world, multitasking is essential, and kitchen appliances are adapting to this need. Multi-functional appliances, such as combination ovens that can bake, steam, and microwave, are becoming increasingly popular. 这些设备通过将多种功能结合到一个设备中来节省空间和提供方便.

5. Smart Storage Solutions

Efficient storage is crucial in any kitchen, 家电制造商也在推出创新的存储解决方案. 从带有可调节架子和门中门隔间的冰箱到带有可定制架子的洗碗机, 这些设备最大限度地提高了存储空间,并提供了容纳各种物品的灵活性.



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